Wednesday 24 August 2016

My Family

                                                         Greetings human beings.....

It is I ,faridazman05, back with the same intro. This is my family.

That is me on the back row at he right. My parents are in the middle. My sister is next to my father, while my brothers are at the front row. Lets start with me, my name is Farid. I am 11 years old. My sister is now 19. She is in college. My brother on the left is now 17 years old and the other one is 16. My father is 44 years old and my mother is now 45. My father works as a Telco IT specialist. My mother is a housewife.

Thank you guys for reading my blog. I appreciate it so much and goodbye...


You can check out my other blog and my other blog but wait you can also check my friends blog..

1)Other Blog

2)Other Blog

3)Friends blog

Tuesday 23 August 2016

My Hobby

                                                           Greetings human beings...

It is I, faridazman05, back with another blog. Today I will be blogging about my hobby. You guys may realize that I have done this before but that one was in Malay. Lets begin......

1) Soccer/Football

Click Me To See A Video

My favorite team is Arsenal.